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  1. Hi there, I am a newbie to your site and find your lessons really chock full of useful info. I have a technical problem in that I cant access the pdf files. When I go into lessons, the message I get is "cant access that website". Any chance you could help me fix this glitch as I think the licks you are giving us are really great. Many thanks.

    1. Hmm, which lesson in particular are you having trouble with? You should be able to find all my lessons on

  2. Hi, thanks for your lessons. I've found that
    Lesson #32: I Hear a Rhapsody Etude
    link doesn't work

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I will update the link. Please let me know if you find any others.

  3. Definitely one of the best materials out there.


    How do you get a solid practice routine going?

    I am self taught, but haven't played in years! Coming back to it with Jazz influences. I have some basic knowledge of music theory and starting on 7, 9 chords. The language is so new to me it's frustrating and it's hard to connect to it. (playing it I mean) Hard part is developing a repertoire. This is especially tough without guidance, but it's tough find a good coach these days. Inpatient reading fake books! Of course my ADHD doesn't help anything.

    I look forward to you book and checking out your cd!

    1. I'll be starting Skype lessons in the near future. Stay tuned for updates. Glad you like the lessons.

  4. Hello TJ! I have purchased 1-10 and like the material. I enjoy having lines written out in all keys to get started on a new line. But I am confused by one thing. Normally, I would expect an all-keys excercise to be keyless, each example written with sharps or flats, or, each new key will have a keysignature and be written in that key. But the first excersise was entirely written in Fmaj. and No9, which I'm looking at now, is in Bbmaj. Why is that? I can deal with it, but why is that?

    1. I didn't realize that I had done that. I think when I first started writing them I would just improvise in whatever key and go from there. I think now all of them start off in C...

  5. hello teacher how are you, I would buy your method of jazz, and you give me any advice of other books to read, I love music of bill evans, do not get the link to buy sheet music.

  6. Hi TJ I just Started today, Thanks for Sharing, I'll be buying your stuff soon.
    One question on Modern Jazz Line #1 - How to Improvise - Ear Training Exercsie
    When you play it Slow it's locked with the metronome but when Fast the first beats sounds off, Is it because of the style of playing it? Thanks

  7. Hi! I don't know exactly where to start to learn. I having troubles to play with both hands making chords in left and improvising with the other. Can you indicate some pool of lessons to help-me here in your site?

  8. Hi, Just watching your Cheryl video in all 12 keys. Do you think of numbers , like V7 ,when playing in the various keys or the actual chords, like C7, ? or are you just playing the melody unaware of the chords ?

  9. are you thinking number,V7, when playing Cheryl in 12 keys or are you thinking the actual chords or you just playing the melody not even thinking of the chords ?


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